EMT-I Raphael Wayne Beech
Serving Since July 16, 1997
Piedmont Triad Ambulance & Rescue (PTAR) announced the winner of their ‘Employee of The Year’ award for 2013 during their annual Christmas dinner on December 14, 2013.
The award, which is voted on by PTAR employees, recognizes an employee’s dedication, accomplishments, and outstanding job performance, as well as their training achievements, certifications and overall job knowledge.
Chief Paula Lineberry announced Raphael Wayne Beech as the recipient of the PTAR ‘Employee of The Year’ award for 2013. He has worked for PTAR since July 16, 1997, and is currently certified at the Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate (EMT-I) level.
Prior to revealing the name of the 2013 recipient Chief Lineberry said, “Each year we ask you – our employees – to vote on the person you feel deserving to hold the title of ‘Employee of the Year’. I personally have received this award on a few occasions and I was always very honored to receive it. It makes you feel special and it says something about you as a person. It means that your peers look at you and single you out as the one that takes pride in what you do, they know that you are dedicated to what you do, and you do it to the best of your ability.”
She added, “It is always special to receive this high honor.”
She continued by saying, “The person who was elected this year to be our ‘Employee of the Year’ for 2013 is dedicated to our service. The person comes to work, does the job that is required, and requires very little supervision. This person takes excellent care of our patients and goes the extra mile to make sure things are done properly.”
“For this person to have been chosen by his coworkers to be the PTAR Employee of the Year for 2013 goes to show that he has gained your respect.” Chief Lineberry then presented a plaque to EMT-I Raphael Wayne Beech, naming him as the PTAR “Employee of the Year” for 2013. He is currently assigned to PTAR’s Base-11 Station, in Asheboro, North Carolina.
We congratulate Raphael Wayne Beech
for being named as the PTAR
“Employee of the Year” for 2013.